TPOVU IThere is not enough available memory, to perform swap... Returning to QUM QUMSWAP.SWPU CONFIG.BBS Please enter board-number: Working - Please wait!U MSGIDX.BBS MSGINFO.BBS MSGHDR.BBS MSGTOIDX.BBS MSGTXT.BBS .QUMU Your 'record' at this BBS... #City (18) #Password (16) #Last time online ( 6) #Last date online (10) #Times user has posted a msg. ( 6) #Highest read message number ( 6) #Times online ( 6) #Number of uploads ( 6) #Uploads in Kb. ( 6) #Number of downloads ( 6) #Downloads in Kb. ( 6) #No. of days since last logon ( 6) #Download:Upload ratio ( 6) #Security level ( 6) U LPT1U Filename USERLIST"Filename to dump to : ________.QUM .QUMU USERS.BBS List of all users Dumping list to the printer LPT1: the file " No Name Password LastT LastD Msgs HiMsg Times #UL UL #DL DL Days Ratio SecLv ~~~~~ Press to continue or ESC to quit Press to return to viewer This userlist has been generated by Q.U.M. v Define list Output menu U Continue&Return to viewer U Screen Printer LPT1: File Go back U Total output length = 35U $ . 3 C h & D d !4!R!q! !Y"c"h" #?#E#L#b#i# $=$Q$[$`$j$t$ O1 Help 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Find user Please input searchstring: ************************* ******************** *************** USERS.BBS Scanning record : [ 0] Trouble? The limit of records has been reached, so only these will be shown.* Please use a more specific search-string. Press to return #No records with the supplied search string could be foundU dU !No Name Calls!No Name Msg's No Name Kb.% User Top-10 List Select type of list to display Callers Message writers Uploaders Downloaders Quit menuU Top 10 Callers Top 10 Message writers Top 10 Uploaders Top 10 Downloaders Press to return C j Configurations File for Q.U.M. C:\QBBS\NEWUSER.ASWU Dumping configuration to QUM.DMP QUM.DMP# Dump of configuration from Q.U.M. O___ Miscellaneous definitions _________________________________________________ Copyright = Version = Date = Quest = Upgrade = DirectVideo = CheckSnow = Default attr = No of users = Current user = Host-Dir = FileName = Extention = O___ Colour definitions ________________________________________________________ Low_Norm = HighNorm = CommLine = CopyLine = TitelTxt = T_Border = Shadow = Help_T = Help_B = Help_H = Help_L = EditColor = FlagText = Border = PopUp = PopUp_T = PopUp_B = PopUp_H = PopUp_L = PopUp_P = Error_T = Error_B = Error_H = Error_L = Menus = Menus_T = Menus_B = Menus_H = Menus_L = Menus_S = O___ Flag-text definitions _____________________________________________________ Flag QUM.CFGU 1111111 Text colors Data colors Commandline Copyright Titles Line-Border Screen border 11111 Window title Line-Border Highlighted text Normal text Pointer " " U 11111 Menu title Line-Border Highlighted text Normal text Selection bar U Window title Line-Border Highlighted text Normal text U Window title Line-Border Highlighted text Normal text U 11111111 Main Screen Setup Shadows Helptexts Editfields Flagtexts PopUp windows Menu's Errormessages U Definition of flag Press: F1 for help / ESC to End A flag description B flag description C flag description D flag descriptionU Change the path to your questionnaire Press: F1 for help / ESC to End # Path\Name of questionnaire file : Change the upgrade level Press: F1 for help / ESC to End ! Level to upgrade new users to : Define default attributes Press to choose 2 Set the bit to be used when upgrading new users: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [Reserved]+ ANSI Full screen editor, Ignore downloading hours No-Kill ANSI# More prompting?# Screen clearing Deleted - - - - - - - - P$@<@u P$ < u P$@<@u P$ < u Toggle "DirectVideo" Press to choose # Do you want direct screen writes? Toggle "SnowCheck" Press to choose " Do you want to check for snow? 111100 Path to questionnaire Upgrade security-level Direct video Check for snow Set default attributes Set default flags U LunaWareU Save changes and quit Abort changes and quitU AUse and to move the highlighted block, and to select item Q.U.M. Configuration of Q.U.M. 5 The configurationfile dosn't exist, so I assume that& this is the first time you use Q.U.M.6 In order to make Q.U.M. run correctly, you'll have to# change some of the default values. Press to continue Misc. parameters Colours Flag descriptions QuitU 1 > C H S X k p u = U w !&!T!^!x! !("4" #2#F#[#k#{# %/%4%C%H%Z%_%d%u% &&&+&C&H& '''='O'a'f'u'z' ()(U( +++5+:+D+I+[+`+e+o+t+ ,!,&,+,=,B,G,Y,^,c,u,z, .'.8.a. 1)13181J1O1T1o1t1 242F2X2b2g2y2~2 2]3|3 4!454J4Z4j4 545?5 6,6<6U6 8*8/8>8F8O8o8}8 9 9)9N9\9t9 :#:2:?:U:`:e:~: ;T;u;z; $@<@u $ < u USERS.BBS USERS.QUM LASTREAD.BBS LASTREAD.QUMU USERS.BBS LASTREAD.BBSU Deleting marked users daysU Input userlevel: #####8 Deleting users with a security-level less or equal to Input number of days: #####: Deleting users who have not been online within the last days daysU Pack userfile Please choose packing method Marked users Purge by user-level Time since last logon QuitU - users has been deleted from your userfile Press to continue ' : ] e { O1 Help 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 U [ 00:00:00 00/00-89 ]U >This version of "QuickBBS User Manipulator" has been PATCHED!!J Please delete this and all other related files and then notify the author=Jesper Larsen at Luna's Landing ++45-31-53-30-40 3/12/24.D When reporting this error, please supply the following information:8 1 : Your name, city, adress, boardname and phonenumber.J 2 : The board and the name of the person who gave you this copy of Q.U.M. Press to return to DOS [ Editing User record # ]#*********************************** ************************* *************** ##### ##:## ##-##-## Special User Parameters DataPhone : [ ] HomePhone : [ ] Credit : [ ] Pending : [ ] Today's DL : [ ] Kb. Elapsed : [ ] Screen Len. : [ ] ************ ##### Program Information Version number : Compilation date : Press to continue Name : [ City : [ Password : [ Security : [ Last time : [ Last date : [ days) Deleted Screen Clear More? No-Kill Ignore DL hours ANSI Editor TimesPosted : [ HighMsgRead : [ Times online: [ No. of UL's : [ Uploaded : [ ] Kb.! (Ratio: No. of DL's : [ Downloaded : [ 12345678 Flag Show LastRead info. for current user \vKCs* U Help on help 2The following keys can be used in the help-window:% : Move screen up or down(Home, End : Go to start / end of text/PgDn, PgUp : Go one screen forward / backward F1 : This page Press to return -[ Press F1 for Help or, ESC / to return ] &[ Press F1 for help or ESC to return ] nK 32000 (Both inclusive) 0 -> 999 (Both inclusive) 0 -> 66 (Both inclusive) The printer LPT1: is not ready.)Please turn it on or insert some paper... The number entered is not valid. Please try a smaller number.2The questionnaire file specified in the setup-menu*cannot be found in the supplied directory.0Please change the path and/or name in the setup.0The current user is not present in the specified questionnaire file.2The configuration file in this directory is not in a valid format.#A new file will be created for you.0The filename is either invalid, or the file does not exists in the supplied path. Please try another path\name.2The questionnairedata for the user will not dumped1The current user does not exists in the question-/naire file. Therefore the questionnairedata for this user will not be dumped.1The file containing the helptexts cannot be found1in the same directory as QUM.EXE. Please copy the!file QUM.HLP into this directory.)The help/documentation will not be shown. WARNING!-The update-file for FILEDOOR; FILEDOOR.UPD is2residing in this directory, so if you use the sort0or pack function, the data from the update info.*will be wrongly inserted in your USERS.BBS2The size of your LASTREAD.BBS file and the size of(your USERS.BBS does not relate properly.1Maybe the LASTREAD.BBS or USERS.BBS file has been truncated in some way. Please correct...0The name specified contains more than one space,1so I'll remove everything after the second space. Please re-edit if nessecary. You haven't got so many users! Try with a smaller number. ERROR # Press to return to DOS Press to return EGA64 EGAmono IBM8514 HercMono ATT400 PC3270U Yes No No Yes Save changes ! Do you want to save the changes? Use 'Y', 'N', and Confirmation ' Are you sure that you want to do this? Use Y, N, and b